UCC1-308 Training - The GESARA Show

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Infos > UCC1-308 Training
UCC1-308 Training
Unified Commercial Code 1-308 allows you to take control of your legal fiction name (MR. JOHN FRED DOE©™) by moving it and your assetts into the Cestui Que Vie Account setup with your birth Certificate.

With this training, you learn how to file for your UCC1-308 Trust and send the notices needed to complete the process.

This training is available exclusively to the paid subscribers of our show.

See our UCC1-308 Special for full details about this.
Frequently asked Questions
Forum and gesara-show Membership
gesara-show.com (this website) and nesara-gesara-qfs.com (our forum) are linked together, yet have separate logins. As their software systems are very different, the user databases are not connected. Even if you have an account on our forum, you still need to register a new account on this website as well and vice-versa. You can use the same username and password if you wish, yet you will still need to register on both websites.

To see the UCC1-308 resourses on this website, please register a new account...
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