Order Stamps - The GESARA Show

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Infos > UCC1-308 > Order Stamps. etc.
Order Stamps, etc.
(Click on Images to enlarge)
Water Stamp:
5.70 x 2.10 cm Black
(2.24" x 0.83")
Self-Inking Stamp
Birth Name Only
Birth/Married Name
Air Stamp:
5.70 x 2.10 cm Blue
(2.24" x 0.83")
Self-Inking Stamp
Land Stamp USA/Canada:
~39 mm/1.53 inch diameter Blue
Self-Inking Round Stamp
Land Stamp Other:
~26 mm diameter Blue
Self-Inking Stamp
3.60 x 1.20 cm Red
Self-Inking Stamp
Note: Stamp sizes given relate to European orders, unless otherwise stated, and may differ slightly in other regions.

IMPORTANT: You need to have completed the Official Filing process, before you can order any stamps or embossing machines.

We have been asked to find a solution to provide the rubber stamps to our members. We have been investigating this and have found a solution that works in the following countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States

If your country is not listed above, we will try to have the order sent to you from the nearest country listed. Additional postage rates may apply to cover international shipping costs.

If your country is listed above, you can order your stamps via our system as follow:

  1. Select the package you want and proceed with the order and pay. Ensure you provide the correct details on your order.
  2. We then create the digital templates needed for your stamps, based on the information you provide to us.
  3. Based on these templates, we can generate digital stamps in the form of high-quality PNG image files that you can import into Word, for example.
  4. We can also use the templates to order your physical stamps for you. We have partnered with VistaPrint to create these stamps, who have production facilities in many countries of the world. In this way, we can order your stamps in your local VistaPrint country which they then deliver directly to you. You can alternatively use our digital PNG files to order your stamps at your local VistaPrint, yourself.

Unfortunately, VistaPrint do not provide embossing machines, we are therefore providing the individual template free on all stamp orders. You can then order the embossing press yourself from the suppliers listed below.

To check if our digital stamps work for you, click on the button to download the sample images.

Family Orders:
If for example, a couple or family need more than one set of stamps, please order each set separately, so that you can give us the respective names as well. This also enables you to order only one "Private & Confidential" stamp, as that can be shared. If you order 3 or more sets for the same shipping address and on the same day, the "Private & Confidential" stamp will be added free, no need to include it in your order.

Order Self-Inking Stamps
Digital and Self-Inking Stamp Sets
We create a set of 4 digital stamps in PNG format with your details. These can be inserted into Word and printed with your documents or used to order physical stamps online.
These include the following stamps: Land (round), Air (UCC1-308), Water (JOHN FRED DOE©™) and "Privat and Confidential". The files will be sent to you by email when ready (within 48h).
40.00 $
We design a set of 3 Self-Inking stamps and have then manufactured and sent to you in the mail. These include the following stamps: Land (round), Air (UCC1-308), and Water (JOHN FRED DOE©™).
You can optionally add a "Privat and Confidential" stamp as well.
Price includes postage to any of the countries listed below. Allow 2-3 weeks for arrival.
Supported countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
100.00 $
We design a set of 3 Self-Inking stamps and have then manufactured and sent to you in the mail. These include the following stamps: Land (round), Air (UCC1-308), and Water (JOHN FRED DOE©™).
You can optionally add a "Privat and Confidential" stamp as well.

The digital stamps are sent to you as PNG files and include the "Privat and Confidential" digital stamp as well.

Price includes postage to the countries listed below. Allow 2-3 weeks for arrival.
Supported countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
120.00 $
Embossing Machine
An embossing press is an optional, yet useful part of the process. After looking at the procedure for ordering them and talking to a major manufacturer (Colop), it was decided it is best for you to order your embossing press directly from your local dealer, under our guidance. That reduces our workload and allows you to take control of the ordering process, directly. We simply do not have the manpower to arange those orders individually at so many different local dealers.

With every stamp order, we additionally create an individual template image for your seal and email it to you for no extra charge.
We have already emailed out those templates to all our customers, at the time of writing.

You need to order the above embossing press at your local dealer and send them the seal image we sent you. The seal should be set for use on the bottom-right corner of the page.

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